Broken game console

Broken game console'

21 years old Shinu who was living alone in his beautiful house, he was an orphan child, and his parents were drie in the accident, so he was living his life alone but he never complained about it to anyone. In summer, on Friday night at 9:30 PM, Shinu came to his room and he started watching a horror movie. All of a sudden he heard a sound, he went outside for looking that sound and he saw that someone was walking little awkwardly on the way like he was hiding himself from someone. That person's appearance was little different and strange
 He wore a long black coat, with the white muffler and he also wore a grey shaded cap which was covering his face. Shinu could not see his face. Shinu started following him, after half an hour that person threw something in the bin and lift the place. Shinu ran, started searching in the bin and he found a broken game console , he took that console, came back to his home and slept. Next morning he started finding errors in the broken game console, he was very confident that he can fix that broken game console because Shinu was the brilliant student of IIT. He took that conslco with him to his lab and started correcting it  After 1or2 days Shinu found that this is not easy because that game console is totally different from other consoles so , now Shinu took that challenge and started giving his all the time to that console. After 1 month Shinu was able to fix that console and he found a very scary thing about the game console. Shinu touched the button of start and he arrived in a forest.he saw that there was a creature women. She was wearing red  and brown sari but in different way ,her hair was decorating with red flowers. Her eyes was looking like sea, very deep and beautiful. Shinu went nearer to her . Shinu was confuses.and he asked who are you?
Shinu introduce himself. Shinu was so confused and he was asking to her tor the help but all of sudden a man came and started yelling on the girl. Shinu asked her , about that man Who is he ? She replied that "he is my future husband, Shane". Shinu love her and spend more than time with her . And she also loves him. But  she has a future husband.that ' s why she didn't tell him . One day Shinu and Wanda  were setting a place that time her future husband came there and beat the Shinu . Shinu got injured. Then Wanda was going and find broken game console, and press the button. That time Shinu came back . He want to go back that place but he didn't do that . He tried many times. But It was not working.
One day Shinu was going to the company and suddenly someone came in front of his car, he came out from the car and asked " Are you okey ?" And after seeing, Shinu was amazed that gril was looking like Wanda . Shinu grabbed her in his arms, girl was looking him and she said " who are you?".


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