Summarised the story


'Night in werewolf woods'

                                By R. L Stine.

I am in the forest with Todd. Then we shall go to the path. That time, Todd cries. I don't want those werewolf to catch the scent of fresh blood. Overgrown vines and shrubs.
It's too dark. Todd choose one path and me and Todd will go there,  we are not sure it's the right way or not. It's dark so I will try to on flashlight but, it's not working. That time I noticed the ground it's changing from dry to slippery and I ask

Where am I?

It's cave!
In the summer. I have been coming to Woodsworld.
Me and Todd will be going to in the cave. I head sound and it is calling my name.
But They are Murphy brothers to called my name Murphy brothers scared us.

A thin beam of moonlight shines into the mouth of the cave.
Then me and Todd sliding Faster and faster. Me and Todd zoom down a slime slicked tunnel in to darkness. Me and Todd close our eyes and when are we open our eyes we saw thousands yellow eyes. 
But, they won't hurt us. The flapping of there webbed wings created a breeze that sends down your spine.
The bats surrounding me and Todd is missing.

Where is he?
