Mariana trench

 Is your English curriculum equipping you for the trending jobs?

* Is your English curriculum equipping you for the trending job.

👉About the English language
👉Skills required at workplace
👉Communication skill
👉Trending Jobs

1) Taniya Hooda- Google and Wikipedia
 2) Payal Hooda - YouTube and yahoo
 3) Monika - Newspaper and articles
 4) Pawan - Chrome and E - network.

 *  Body :-Yes, it is more in global trend. It doesn’t matter what you have chosen in your career , English language will equip you to compete and succeed in the modern workplaces. 
 Learning English also improve the quality of life and make us comfortable for Cracking interviews - the English curriculum helped a lot to prepare for new opportunities in trending job.

It is the first question asked by interviewer while taking interview.
English language has became the most spoken language in the world.

Speaking English allow you to get more job opportunities and knowing the language, as well as education is very important to improve ourselves but learning English also improve the quality of life and make us comfortable for Crack interviews - 
English is the language which spoken in more than 100 countries.

As you can see the chart , In the chart English is most common studied foreign language and 1.5 billion people learning this language now days.   

Some of the fields where English required:-

- Finance : If you work in banking or business finance, then taking a financial English course could open up new opportunities for you. These opportunities might be to travel or even relocate internationally Or similarly, being able to work more closely with your colleagues and associates overseas.
 -Medical : This is an ideal course for doctors, nurses and other medical professionals who want to develop the skills necessary to work in an English-speaking country.

-Marketing : If you work in the marketing sector this course will teach you to plan, discuss, design and analyse consumer need. While list also, building on your vocabulary and communication skills.

-Tourism and Hospitality : If you work in the tourism or hospitality industries this is the perfect course for you. You will develop the language required to communicate effectively with customers and colleagues alike.
-Media : Learn about a range of media topics while developing specialist language to write articles, advertisement and many different forms of media.

 - Law : This course is ideal for people who work in the legal sector. It will develop your terminology by focussing on vocabulary in the civil, common and criminal law areas while, additionally, developing your communication skills.

The above data shows some of the jobs where English and communication skill is highly required.  

We collected data from variable verified interested resources because we want to give as much as correct information as we cant we also considered data from some independent blogging sites like Washington Post and our most famous board of secondary education 'Central Board of Secondary Education'.

Disadvantages of English language in india: 

English is difficult to learn.
* Students are ignoring their mother tongue.

* Those employees who are not from english speaking background they are facing problem to get a job.

*People think If you can speak english so you have good status in society.
* Kids taught English language before learning mother tongue. They are missing our own languages.
* People are adopting western culture and forgetting their own original culture.
* The great impact of English on education is if you know english you are intelligent.

Students by the curriculum is getting so much knowledge. It will help you for the trending jobs.

Speaking English allow you to more job opportunities and knowing the language as well as education is very important to improve yourself but learning English also improve the quality of life and make you comfortable for Crack interviews - the English curriculum helped a lot to preparation for new opportunities that country and trending jobs.
